Super Pork

Arcade River
GAME CONTROLS:MOBILE: TOUCH CONTROLS ON SCREENKEYBOARDWASD or ARROW KEYS to moveSPACEBAR or L to shootV or K to DODGEGAMEPADD-PAD /Analog Stick to moveA or Right Trigger to shootY or Left Trigger to Dodge
Super Pork
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Game Details

Super Pork

An old style shooterwith a Flying Pig as main character where you have to save the world from the aliens (what a twist, uhm?)
GAME CONTROLS:MOBILE: TOUCH CONTROLS ON SCREENKEYBOARDWASD or ARROW KEYS to moveSPACEBAR or L to shootV or K to DODGEGAMEPADD-PAD /Analog Stick to moveA or Right Trigger to shootY or Left Trigger to Dodge

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